What causes caregiver burden?

Many caregivers stress out because they consider their role to be their only responsibility, even if it's too much for a single person to realistically handle. Other people, possibly in your family or that of your caregiver, may create more unwanted stress for you as a primary caregiver. Caregiver burden, a subjective state that reflects the caregiver's individual perceptions, is a widely accepted characteristic in many caregiving studies that measure the effects of caregiver stressors and emotional symptoms 15. Zarit and her colleagues defined caregiver burden as “the degree to which caregivers perceive the adverse effect that care has on their emotional, social, financial and physical functioning.” Caregiver burden is the stress that caregivers perceive due to the care situation at Home Care in Anacoco LA. Subjective burden is considered to be one of the most important predictors of negative outcomes in the Home Care in Anacoco LA situation. Caregivers play a vital role in reducing the costs and resources of the health system when caring for loved ones at home.

Regardless of the caregiver's burden, family members can experience the benefits (positive consequences) of the home care situation. Efforts to meet the needs of caregivers must increase their self-efficacy, involving them from an early stage in patient care and involving them in practical training when appropriate. The results of this study showed that male caregivers were more likely to use positive reevaluation and acceptance of responsibility strategies compared to female caregivers. Nurses can now assess the burden that caregivers bear through the use of measurement tools and, therefore, develop interventions and support mechanisms to support caregivers.

Therefore, caring for caregivers is essential to reduce the long-term effects of the burden that caregivers pose. Caregiver burden is related to the well-being of both the individual and the caregiver; therefore, it is important to understand the attributes associated with caregiver burden. As expected, caregiver stress is common and is caused by the ongoing emotional and physical strain that comes with providing care. Informal caregivers with a greater burden of care used emotion-focused strategies that often don't help reduce caregiver stress. Understanding how to mitigate negative consequences and increase the benefits of caregiving will lead to a better quality of life for the caregiver and the person receiving care.

Caregivers adopted various types of coping strategies to overcome the burden, and the adoption of coping strategies was associated with the severity of the burden for caregivers of stroke patients. A possible explanation for this could be that women believe that care is their role and responsibility, since care for children and other family members is often carried out by women. It has been found that caring for a person during the first six months after a stroke places a significant burden, as this burden increases as the time spent on caring tasks and with the anxiety felt by caregivers and those who have survived a stroke.

Brooke Kilgore
Brooke Kilgore

Incurable tv lover. Incurable internet junkie. General social media geek. Hipster-friendly bacon enthusiast. Amateur food maven.